Tag: india
The Hotels of Bangalore
My camera does not perform particularly well in low light, and those have been the circumstances of most of my explorations of Bangalore’s various hospitality institutions, so you will have to forgive me if I ask that you use your imagination on some of these descriptions, and feel free to browse my various photo archives…
Catching Up
First off, appologies for the lack of posting this week. I’ve been working a lot, and when I have managed to keep my eyes open outside the office it has been largely in order to watch World Cup matches. On this lovely Sunday afternoon, having secured more than my average five hours of sleep, and…
Micah in India: The FAQ
In order to preemptively answer some of the questions you may have about this trip and why I’m on it, I’ve prepared a brief FAQ. You’re in India, what? Yeah, I’m about a week into a month long visit to India. Mostly, I’m spending my time in and around Bangalore, but my last week here…
First Impressions of Bangalore
I’ve been in Bangalore for nearly a week now, and aside from some fairly persistent jet lag and a more or less constant fear that my stomach is going to give out on me at any time, I’m having a blast. All the cliches about India are in evidence: the contrast between poverty and opulence,…
Getting to Bangalore
I’ve come to India for three weeks of business and one week of travel. I’m going to try to document my various adventures in this space in close to real time, and probably far too much detail. So, without further ado, here is the story of how four taxis, three planes, several beers, and one…