Category: trip

  • Malta Highlights

    The history of Malta runs way deeper than I had known before getting there, though I’d sort of purposefully under-researched the trip beforehand. I’d known a little about the WWII period, when it was critical in the Brits’ supply lines into North Africa, and the Italians and the Germans bombed it nearly flat, and a…

  • Il Duomo

  • Florence by the water

    Untitled, originally uploaded by micahcraig.

  • Bicicletta

    Bicicletta, originally uploaded by micahcraig. Took a strong force of will not to run off with this beautiful bike and stuff it into my carry on baggage.

  • The Coliseum

    The Coliseum, originally uploaded by micahcraig.

  • The School of Athens

    The School of Athens, originally uploaded by micahcraig. Raphael’s great work in the Vatican.

  • St John’s Co-Cathedral

    St John’s Co-Cathedral, originally uploaded by micahcraig. Valletta, Malta

  • Gatekeepers

    2012-01-03-14-34-40-850.jpg, originally uploaded by micahcraig. Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

  • Cycling to the Cape

    I just got back from a fantastic week sharing a house up in Wellfleet, MA, toward the end of Cape Cod. In order to turn the journey up there into a little bit more of an adventure, I decided I would ride my bike, at least for most of the way. It was a solid…